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Asterisk DTMF 3-way

Before I go ahead and write out a full defect against Asterisk 11.5.0, I’m going to write up my issue here and see if I can get any help from IRC or forums. I’ll dump this all into Jira later if I can’t find a resolution.

Here’s what I’m trying to do:
I have a custom channel driver, and I need to support 3-way conferencing via DTMF signals. After reading quite a few articles and how-to descriptions, I decided to implement some dynamic feature codes that put parties into a ConfBridge session. I made a quick prototype and it worked – but only half-way. After a bit more searching I uncovered Asterisk Jira 11896 – which apparently describes my exact experience. Unfortunately, there was no real resolution, or direction of how to implement the behavior I need. I tried a few more “unique” dialplan and feature manipulation, but they all consistently crash Asterisk 11.5.0 (I’m talking core dump – I should probably reproduce those and write up bugs).

Here’s what I implemented:

;# /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf
;# This file belongs to the Asterisk 11.5.0 PBX.



include => sip_extensions; (_2XX)

;context for authenticated sip devices
include => sip_extensions; (_2XX)

; all of the sip_extensions dial patterns are internal to the system.

; 2XX extensions are for local extensions
exten => _2XX,1,Verbose(1, Placing call to local SIP phone at ${EXTEN})
same => n,Set(__DYNAMIC_FEATURES=callerstartthreeway#calleestartthreeway)
same => n,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN},90)
same => n,Hangup(${HANGUPCAUSE})

exten => s,1,Verbose(1,Starting Three Way Calling Routine for ${CHANNEL}, Peer is ${BRIDGEPEER})
same => n,Set(ChanName=${CHANNEL})
same => n,Set(Tech=${SHIFT(ChanName,/)})
same => n,Set(Chan=${SHIFT(ChanName,/)})

same => n,Set(ConfNo=$[${Chan}+50]);
same => n,Verbose(1,Creating Conference number ${ConfNo})
same => n,ChannelRedirect(${BRIDGEPEER},conference-user,${ConfNo},1)

same => n,Verbose(1,Now prompting for new extension to connect to)
same => n,Read(DEST,dial,24,i,3,5);Assuming Max Digits = 24
same => n,GotoIf($["${DEST}" = "*" ]?cancel)
same => n,GotoIf($["${DEST}" = "" ]?cancel)

same => n,Set(__DYNAMIC_FEATURES=callerjointhreeway);Only enable join 3 way from this point... Revisit?
same => n,Dial(Local/${DEST}@sip_extensions/n,90)

;Todo - Check to make sure the dial happens with a valid number?
same => n,Hangup()

same => n(cancel),Verbose(1, Cancel 3 Way)

exten => s,1,Verbose(1,Joining Three Way Call for ${CHANNEL}, Peer is ${BRIDGEPEER})
same => n,Set(ChanName=${CHANNEL})
same => n,Set(Tech=${SHIFT(ChanName,/)})
same => n,Set(Chan=${SHIFT(ChanName,/)})

same => n,Set(ConfNo=$[${Chan}+50]);
same => n,ChannelRedirect(${BRIDGEPEER},conference-user,${ConfNo},1)
same => n,ConfBridge(${ConfNo},three-way,initiator-profile)

;same => _X.,ChannelRedirect(${BRIDGEPEER},sip_context,${DEST},1)
exten => _X.,1,Verbose(1,Dropping ${CHANNEL} into Conference ${EXTEN})
same => n,ConfBridge(${EXTEN},three-way,user-profile)
same => n,Hangup()


;## features.conf (snippet)
; Note that the DYNAMIC_FEATURES channel variable must be set to use the features
; defined here.  The value of DYNAMIC_FEATURES should be the names of the features
; to allow the channel to use separated by '#'.  For example:
;    Set(__DYNAMIC_FEATURES=myfeature1#myfeature2#myfeature3)
; (Note: The two leading underscores allow these feature settings to be set on
;  on the outbound channels, as well.  Otherwise, only the original channel
;  will have access to these features.)
; The syntax for declaring a dynamic feature is any of the following:
; => <DTMF_sequence>,[/],[,[,MOH_Class]]
; => <DTMF_sequence>,[/],[,""[,MOH_Class]]
; => <DTMF_sequence>,[/],([])[,MOH_Class]

; Three Way
callerstartthreeway => #0,self/caller,Macro,fc-tw-start,default
calleestartthreeway => #0,self/callee,Macro,fc-tw-start,default
callerjointhreeway => **,self/caller,Macro,fc-tw-join,default
calleejointhreeway => **,self/callee,Macro,fc-tw-join,default

;  FeatureName   -> This is the name of the feature used when setting the
;                   DYNAMIC_FEATURES variable to enable usage of this feature.
;  DTMF_sequence -> This is the key sequence used to activate this feature.
;  ActivateOn    -> This is the channel of the call that the application will be executed
;                   on. Valid values are "self" and "peer". "self" means run the
;                   application on the same channel that activated the feature. "peer"
;                   means run the application on the opposite channel from the one that
;                   has activated the feature.
;  ActivatedBy   -> This is which channel is allowed to activate this feature. Valid
;                   values are "caller", "callee", and "both". "both" is the default.
;                   The "caller" is the channel that executed the Dial application, while
;                   the "callee" is the channel called by the Dial application.
;  Application   -> This is the application to execute.
;  AppArguments  -> These are the arguments to be passed into the application.  If you need
;                   commas in your arguments, you should use either the second or third
;                   syntax, above.
;  MOH_Class     -> This is the music on hold class to play while the idle
;                   channel waits for the feature to complete. If left blank,
;                   no music will be played.


;# /etc/asterisk/sip.conf
;# This file belongs to the Asterisk 11.5.0 PBX.





; Codecs





jbmaxsize = 120
jbimpl = adaptive


; set limit so asterisk keeps track of calls.
;qualify the connection so that we can check status








Here’s what happens:
When I make a call from 200 to 201, and then 200 (the caller – the person who initiated the call) starts the 3-way (via DTMF #0), everything works well

mkocsis-ubuntu-01*CLI> core show channels
Channel              Location             State   Application(Data)
0 active channels
0 active calls
6 calls processed
  == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184
  == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
    -- Executing [201@sip_context:1] Verbose("SIP/200-00000005", "1, Placing call to local SIP phone at 201") in new stack
    -- Executing [201@sip_context:2] Set("SIP/200-00000005", "__DYNAMIC_FEATURES=callerstartthreeway#calleestartthreeway") in new stack
    -- Executing [201@sip_context:3] Dial("SIP/200-00000005", "SIP/201,90") in new stack
  == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184
  == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
    -- Called SIP/201
    -- SIP/201-00000006 answered SIP/200-00000005
       > 0xb6b873b0 -- Probation passed - setting RTP source address to
       > 0xb6b13550 -- Probation passed - setting RTP source address to
mkocsis-ubuntu-01*CLI> core show channels
Channel              Location             State   Application(Data)
SIP/201-00000006     (None)               Up      AppDial((Outgoing Line))
SIP/200-00000005     201@sip_context:3    Up      Dial(SIP/201,90)
2 active channels
1 active call
7 calls processed
    --  Feature Found: callerstartthreeway exten: callerstartthreeway
    -- Started music on hold, class 'default', on SIP/201-00000006
    -- Executing [s@macro-fc-tw-start:1] Verbose("SIP/200-00000005", "1,Starting Three Way Calling Routine for SIP/200-00000005, Peer is SIP/201-00000006") in new stack
    -- Executing [s@macro-fc-tw-start:2] Set("SIP/200-00000005", "ChanName=SIP/200-00000005") in new stack
    -- Executing [s@macro-fc-tw-start:3] Set("SIP/200-00000005", "Tech=SIP") in new stack
    -- Executing [s@macro-fc-tw-start:4] Set("SIP/200-00000005", "Chan=200-00000005") in new stack
    -- Executing [s@macro-fc-tw-start:5] Set("SIP/200-00000005", "ConfNo=245") in new stack
    -- Executing [s@macro-fc-tw-start:6] Verbose("SIP/200-00000005", "1,Creating Conference number 245") in new stack
    -- Executing [s@macro-fc-tw-start:7] ChannelRedirect("SIP/200-00000005", "SIP/201-00000006,conference-user,245,1") in new stack
    -- Stopped music on hold on AsyncGoto/SIP/201-00000006
    -- Executing [s@macro-fc-tw-start:8] Verbose("SIP/200-00000005", "1,Now prompting for new extension to connect to") in new stack
    -- Executing [245@conference-user:1] Verbose("SIP/201-00000006", "1,Dropping SIP/201-00000006 into Conference 245") in new stack
    -- Executing [s@macro-fc-tw-start:9] Read("SIP/200-00000005", "DEST,dial,24,i,3,5") in new stack
    -- Executing [245@conference-user:2] ConfBridge("SIP/201-00000006", "245,three-way,user-profile") in new stack
    -- Accepting a maximum of 24 digits.
    -- <SIP/201-00000006> Playing 'conf-onlyperson.ulaw' (language 'en')
    -- <SIP/201-00000006> Playing 'confbridge-join.ulaw' (language 'en')
    -- <Bridge/0xb6b6af5c-input> Playing 'confbridge-join.gsm' (language 'en')
    -- Started music on hold, class 'default', on SIP/201-00000006
    -- User entered nothing, 2 chances left
    -- User entered '202'
    -- Executing [s@macro-fc-tw-start:10] GotoIf("SIP/200-00000005", "0?cancel") in new stack
    -- Executing [s@macro-fc-tw-start:11] GotoIf("SIP/200-00000005", "0?cancel") in new stack
    -- Executing [s@macro-fc-tw-start:12] Set("SIP/200-00000005", "__DYNAMIC_FEATURES=callerjointhreeway") in new stack
    -- Executing [s@macro-fc-tw-start:13] Dial("SIP/200-00000005", "Local/202@sip_extensions/n,90") in new stack
    -- Executing [202@sip_extensions:1] Verbose("Local/202@sip_extensions-00000001;2", "1, Placing call to local SIP phone at 202") in new stack
    -- Called Local/202@sip_extensions/n
    -- Executing [202@sip_extensions:2] Set("Local/202@sip_extensions-00000001;2", "__DYNAMIC_FEATURES=callerstartthreeway#calleestartthreeway") in new stack
    -- Executing [202@sip_extensions:3] Dial("Local/202@sip_extensions-00000001;2", "SIP/202,90") in new stack
  == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184
  == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
    -- Called SIP/202
mkocsis-ubuntu-01*CLI> core show channels
Channel              Location             State   Application(Data)
SIP/202-00000007     202@sip_context:1    Down    AppDial((Outgoing Line))
Bridge/0xb6b6af5c-ou s@default:1          Up      (None)
SIP/201-00000006     245@conference-user: Up      ConfBridge(245,three-way,user-
Local/202@sip_extens 202@sip_extensions:3 Ring    Dial(SIP/202,90)
Local/202@sip_extens 201@sip_extensions:1 Down    AppDial((Outgoing Line))
AsyncGoto/SIP/201-00 (None)               Up      AppDial((Outgoing Line))
SIP/200-00000005     s@macro-fc-tw-start: Up      Dial(Local/202@sip_extensions/
Bridge/0xb6b6af5c-in s@default:1          Up      (None)
8 active channels
3 active calls
9 calls processed
    -- SIP/202-00000007 answered Local/202@sip_extensions-00000001;2
    -- Local/202@sip_extensions-00000001;1 answered SIP/200-00000005
       > 0xb6ba0b20 -- Probation passed - setting RTP source address to
mkocsis-ubuntu-01*CLI> core show channels
Channel              Location             State   Application(Data)
SIP/202-00000007     (None)               Up      AppDial((Outgoing Line))
Bridge/0xb6b6af5c-ou s@default:1          Up      (None)
SIP/201-00000006     245@conference-user: Up      ConfBridge(245,three-way,user-
Local/202@sip_extens 202@sip_extensions:3 Up      Dial(SIP/202,90)
Local/202@sip_extens (None)               Up      AppDial((Outgoing Line))
AsyncGoto/SIP/201-00 (None)               Up      AppDial((Outgoing Line))
SIP/200-00000005     s@macro-fc-tw-start: Up      Dial(Local/202@sip_extensions/
Bridge/0xb6b6af5c-in s@default:1          Up      (None)
8 active channels
3 active calls
9 calls processed
    --  Feature Found: callerjointhreeway exten: callerjointhreeway
    -- Started music on hold, class 'default', on Local/202@sip_extensions-00000001;1
    -- Executing [s@macro-fc-tw-join:1] Verbose("SIP/200-00000005", "1,Joining Three Way Call for SIP/200-00000005, Peer is Local/202@sip_extensions-00000001;1") in new stack
    -- Executing [s@macro-fc-tw-join:2] Set("SIP/200-00000005", "ChanName=SIP/200-00000005") in new stack
    -- Executing [s@macro-fc-tw-join:3] Set("SIP/200-00000005", "Tech=SIP") in new stack
    -- Executing [s@macro-fc-tw-join:4] Set("SIP/200-00000005", "Chan=200-00000005") in new stack
    -- Executing [s@macro-fc-tw-join:5] Set("SIP/200-00000005", "ConfNo=245") in new stack
    -- Executing [s@macro-fc-tw-join:6] ChannelRedirect("SIP/200-00000005", "Local/202@sip_extensions-00000001;1,conference-user,245,1") in new stack
    -- Stopped music on hold on AsyncGoto/Local/202@sip_extensions-00000001;1
    -- Executing [s@macro-fc-tw-join:7] ConfBridge("SIP/200-00000005", "245,three-way,initiator-profile") in new stack
    -- Stopped music on hold on SIP/201-00000006
    -- Executing [245@conference-user:1] Verbose("Local/202@sip_extensions-00000001;1", "1,Dropping Local/202@sip_extensions-00000001;1 into Conference 245") in new stack
    -- Executing [245@conference-user:2] ConfBridge("Local/202@sip_extensions-00000001;1", "245,three-way,user-profile") in new stack
    -- <SIP/200-00000005> Playing 'conf-placeintoconf.ulaw' (language 'en')
    -- <Local/202@sip_extensions-00000001;1> Playing 'confbridge-join.ulaw' (language 'en')
    -- <SIP/200-00000005> Playing 'confbridge-join.ulaw' (language 'en')
    -- <Bridge/0xb6b6af5c-input> Playing 'confbridge-join.gsm' (language 'en')
    -- <Bridge/0xb6b6af5c-input> Playing 'confbridge-join.gsm' (language 'en')
mkocsis-ubuntu-01*CLI> core show channels
Channel              Location             State   Application(Data)
SIP/202-00000007     (None)               Up      AppDial((Outgoing Line))
Bridge/0xb6b6af5c-ou s@default:1          Up      (None)
AsyncGoto/Local/202@ (None)               Up      AppDial((Outgoing Line))
SIP/201-00000006     245@conference-user: Up      ConfBridge(245,three-way,user-
Local/202@sip_extens 202@sip_extensions:3 Up      Dial(SIP/202,90)
Local/202@sip_extens 245@conference-user: Up      ConfBridge(245,three-way,user-
AsyncGoto/SIP/201-00 (None)               Up      AppDial((Outgoing Line))
SIP/200-00000005     s@macro-fc-tw-join:7 Up      ConfBridge(245,three-way,initi
Bridge/0xb6b6af5c-in s@default:1          Up      (None)
9 active channels
4 active calls
10 calls processed
    -- <Bridge/0xb6b6af5c-input> Playing 'confbridge-leave.gsm' (language 'en')
    -- <Bridge/0xb6b6af5c-input> Playing 'conf-leaderhasleft.gsm' (language 'en')
    -- <Bridge/0xb6b6af5c-input> Playing 'confbridge-leave.gsm' (language 'en')
  == Spawn extension (macro-fc-tw-start, s, 13) exited non-zero on 'SIP/200-00000005' in macro 'fc-tw-start'
    -- <Bridge/0xb6b6af5c-input> Playing 'confbridge-leave.gsm' (language 'en')
    -- Started music on hold, class 'default', on Local/202@sip_extensions-00000001;1
    -- <SIP/201-00000006> Playing 'conf-kicked.ulaw' (language 'en')
    -- Stopped music on hold on Local/202@sip_extensions-00000001;1
    -- <Local/202@sip_extensions-00000001;1> Playing 'conf-kicked.ulaw' (language 'en')
    -- Executing [245@conference-user:3] Hangup("SIP/201-00000006", "") in new stack
  == Spawn extension (conference-user, 245, 3) exited non-zero on 'SIP/201-00000006'
    -- Executing [245@conference-user:3] Hangup("Local/202@sip_extensions-00000001;1", "") in new stack
  == Spawn extension (conference-user, 245, 3) exited non-zero on 'Local/202@sip_extensions-00000001;1'
  == Spawn extension (sip_extensions, 202, 3) exited non-zero on 'Local/202@sip_extensions-00000001;2'
mkocsis-ubuntu-01*CLI> core show channels
Channel              Location             State   Application(Data)
0 active channels
0 active calls
10 calls processed

However, when I make a call from 201 to 200, and then 200 (the callee – the person who received the call) starts the 3-way (via DTMF #0), The caller doesn’t get dropped into the conference until the callee (the 3-way initiator) hangs up.

mkocsis-ubuntu-01*CLI> core show channels
Channel              Location             State   Application(Data)
0 active channels
0 active calls
10 calls processed
  == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184
  == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
    -- Executing [200@sip_context:1] Verbose("SIP/201-00000008", "1, Placing call to local SIP phone at 200") in new stack
    -- Executing [200@sip_context:2] Set("SIP/201-00000008", "__DYNAMIC_FEATURES=callerstartthreeway#calleestartthreeway") in new stack
    -- Executing [200@sip_context:3] Dial("SIP/201-00000008", "SIP/200,90") in new stack
  == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184
  == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
    -- Called SIP/200
    -- SIP/200-00000009 answered SIP/201-00000008
       > 0xb6b0d168 -- Probation passed - setting RTP source address to
       > 0xb6b13550 -- Probation passed - setting RTP source address to
mkocsis-ubuntu-01*CLI> core show channels
Channel              Location             State   Application(Data)
SIP/201-00000008     200@sip_context:3    Up      Dial(SIP/200,90)
SIP/200-00000009     (None)               Up      AppDial((Outgoing Line))
2 active channels
1 active call
11 calls processed
    --  Feature Found: callerstartthreeway exten: callerstartthreeway
    --  Feature Found: calleestartthreeway exten: calleestartthreeway
    -- Started music on hold, class 'default', on SIP/201-00000008
    -- Executing [s@macro-fc-tw-start:1] Verbose("SIP/200-00000009", "1,Starting Three Way Calling Routine for SIP/200-00000009, Peer is SIP/201-00000008") in new stack
    -- Executing [s@macro-fc-tw-start:2] Set("SIP/200-00000009", "ChanName=SIP/200-00000009") in new stack
    -- Executing [s@macro-fc-tw-start:3] Set("SIP/200-00000009", "Tech=SIP") in new stack
    -- Executing [s@macro-fc-tw-start:4] Set("SIP/200-00000009", "Chan=200-00000009") in new stack
    -- Executing [s@macro-fc-tw-start:5] Set("SIP/200-00000009", "ConfNo=241") in new stack
    -- Executing [s@macro-fc-tw-start:6] Verbose("SIP/200-00000009", "1,Creating Conference number 241") in new stack
    -- Executing [s@macro-fc-tw-start:7] ChannelRedirect("SIP/200-00000009", "SIP/201-00000008,conference-user,241,1") in new stack
    -- Stopped music on hold on SIP/201-00000008
    -- Executing [s@macro-fc-tw-start:8] Verbose("SIP/200-00000009", "1,Now prompting for new extension to connect to") in new stack
    -- Executing [s@macro-fc-tw-start:9] Read("SIP/200-00000009", "DEST,dial,24,i,3,5") in new stack
    -- Accepting a maximum of 24 digits.
    -- User entered nothing, 2 chances left
    -- User entered '202'
    -- Executing [s@macro-fc-tw-start:10] GotoIf("SIP/200-00000009", "0?cancel") in new stack
    -- Executing [s@macro-fc-tw-start:11] GotoIf("SIP/200-00000009", "0?cancel") in new stack
    -- Executing [s@macro-fc-tw-start:12] Set("SIP/200-00000009", "__DYNAMIC_FEATURES=callerjointhreeway") in new stack
    -- Executing [s@macro-fc-tw-start:13] Dial("SIP/200-00000009", "Local/202@sip_extensions/n,90") in new stack
    -- Called Local/202@sip_extensions/n
    -- Executing [202@sip_extensions:1] Verbose("Local/202@sip_extensions-00000002;2", "1, Placing call to local SIP phone at 202") in new stack
    -- Executing [202@sip_extensions:2] Set("Local/202@sip_extensions-00000002;2", "__DYNAMIC_FEATURES=callerstartthreeway#calleestartthreeway") in new stack
    -- Executing [202@sip_extensions:3] Dial("Local/202@sip_extensions-00000002;2", "SIP/202,90") in new stack
  == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184
  == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
    -- Called SIP/202
    -- SIP/202-0000000a answered Local/202@sip_extensions-00000002;2
    -- Local/202@sip_extensions-00000002;1 answered SIP/200-00000009
       > 0xb6b75240 -- Probation passed - setting RTP source address to
mkocsis-ubuntu-01*CLI> core show channels
Channel              Location             State   Application(Data)
SIP/202-0000000a     (None)               Up      AppDial((Outgoing Line))
SIP/201-00000008     241@conference-user: Up      Dial(SIP/200,90)
SIP/200-00000009     s@macro-fc-tw-start: Up      Dial(Local/202@sip_extensions/
Local/202@sip_extens (None)               Up      AppDial((Outgoing Line))
Local/202@sip_extens 202@sip_extensions:3 Up      Dial(SIP/202,90)
5 active channels
2 active calls
12 calls processed
    --  Feature Found: callerjointhreeway exten: callerjointhreeway
    -- Started music on hold, class 'default', on Local/202@sip_extensions-00000002;1
    -- Executing [s@macro-fc-tw-join:1] Verbose("SIP/200-00000009", "1,Joining Three Way Call for SIP/200-00000009, Peer is Local/202@sip_extensions-00000002;1") in new stack
    -- Executing [s@macro-fc-tw-join:2] Set("SIP/200-00000009", "ChanName=SIP/200-00000009") in new stack
    -- Executing [s@macro-fc-tw-join:3] Set("SIP/200-00000009", "Tech=SIP") in new stack
    -- Executing [s@macro-fc-tw-join:4] Set("SIP/200-00000009", "Chan=200-00000009") in new stack
    -- Executing [s@macro-fc-tw-join:5] Set("SIP/200-00000009", "ConfNo=241") in new stack
    -- Executing [s@macro-fc-tw-join:6] ChannelRedirect("SIP/200-00000009", "Local/202@sip_extensions-00000002;1,conference-user,241,1") in new stack
    -- Stopped music on hold on AsyncGoto/Local/202@sip_extensions-00000002;1
    -- Executing [241@conference-user:1] Verbose("Local/202@sip_extensions-00000002;1", "1,Dropping Local/202@sip_extensions-00000002;1 into Conference 241") in new stack
    -- Executing [s@macro-fc-tw-join:7] ConfBridge("SIP/200-00000009", "241,three-way,initiator-profile") in new stack
    -- Executing [241@conference-user:2] ConfBridge("Local/202@sip_extensions-00000002;1", "241,three-way,user-profile") in new stack
    -- <Local/202@sip_extensions-00000002;1> Playing 'confbridge-join.ulaw' (language 'en')
    -- <SIP/200-00000009> Playing 'conf-placeintoconf.ulaw' (language 'en')
    -- <Bridge/0xb6b936ac-input> Playing 'confbridge-join.gsm' (language 'en')
    -- <SIP/200-00000009> Playing 'confbridge-join.ulaw' (language 'en')
    -- <Bridge/0xb6b936ac-input> Playing 'confbridge-join.gsm' (language 'en')
mkocsis-ubuntu-01*CLI> core show channels
Channel              Location             State   Application(Data)
SIP/202-0000000a     (None)               Up      AppDial((Outgoing Line))
SIP/201-00000008     241@conference-user: Up      Dial(SIP/200,90)
Bridge/0xb6b936ac-in s@default:1          Up      (None)
Bridge/0xb6b936ac-ou s@default:1          Up      (None)
SIP/200-00000009     s@macro-fc-tw-join:7 Up      ConfBridge(241,three-way,initi
Local/202@sip_extens 241@conference-user: Up      ConfBridge(241,three-way,user-
Local/202@sip_extens 202@sip_extensions:3 Up      Dial(SIP/202,90)
AsyncGoto/Local/202@ (None)               Up      AppDial((Outgoing Line))
8 active channels
3 active calls
13 calls processed
    -- <Bridge/0xb6b936ac-input> Playing 'confbridge-leave.gsm' (language 'en')
    -- <Bridge/0xb6b936ac-input> Playing 'conf-leaderhasleft.gsm' (language 'en')
    -- Started music on hold, class 'default', on Local/202@sip_extensions-00000002;1
    -- <Bridge/0xb6b936ac-input> Playing 'confbridge-leave.gsm' (language 'en')
  == Spawn extension (macro-fc-tw-start, s, 13) exited non-zero on 'SIP/200-00000009' in macro 'fc-tw-start'
    -- Executing [241@conference-user:1] Verbose("SIP/201-00000008", "1,Dropping SIP/201-00000008 into Conference 241") in new stack
    -- Executing [241@conference-user:2] ConfBridge("SIP/201-00000008", "241,three-way,user-profile") in new stack
    -- Stopped music on hold on Local/202@sip_extensions-00000002;1
    -- <SIP/201-00000008> Playing 'confbridge-join.ulaw' (language 'en')
    -- <Local/202@sip_extensions-00000002;1> Playing 'conf-kicked.ulaw' (language 'en')
    -- <Bridge/0xb6b936ac-input> Playing 'confbridge-join.gsm' (language 'en')
    -- Started music on hold, class 'default', on SIP/201-00000008
    -- Executing [241@conference-user:3] Hangup("Local/202@sip_extensions-00000002;1", "") in new stack
  == Spawn extension (conference-user, 241, 3) exited non-zero on 'Local/202@sip_extensions-00000002;1'
  == Spawn extension (sip_extensions, 202, 3) exited non-zero on 'Local/202@sip_extensions-00000002;2'
mkocsis-ubuntu-01*CLI> core show channels
Channel              Location             State   Application(Data)
SIP/201-00000008     241@conference-user: Up      ConfBridge(241,three-way,user-
Bridge/0xb6b936ac-in s@default:1          Up      (None)
Bridge/0xb6b936ac-ou s@default:1          Up      (None)
3 active channels
1 active call
13 calls processed

The Result:
It looks like the ChannelRedirect cannot be called on a channel that is currently in the middle of a Dial. Even though the ChannelRedirect application calls ast_async_parseable_goto, which does do a soft hangup, it does not appear to unblock the dial. One of the more interesting displays of channels from the above log is this:

SIP/201-00000008 241@conference-user: Up Dial(SIP/200,90)

Which appears to show that the SIP/201 channel has been correctly redirected to the conference-user context, but it is still executing the Dial command after the Channel Redirect.

Also, please ignore the two errors (Calculating the conference number), and the fact that hangups at other times will leave people in the conference.


So, I have looked into modifying the ast_parseable_goto code (but that’s not something I want to modify), or possibly implementing this entire thing in features.c by copying attended transfer and then modifying the final state to dump everyone into a conference instead.




Elbert and Massive

Here are a few pictures from Brian and my recent summits of Elbert and Massive

Mt Elbert Pictures – Saturday June 2nd, 2012. 14,440′ (Colorado’s tallest, lower 48’s second tallest, Ultra peak – 9093′ prominence)

Mt Massive Pictures – Sunday June 3rd, 2012. 14,428′ (Colorado’s second tallest, lower 48’s third tallest, most area above 14,000′ in the lower 48)


June 2012 Celestial Events

Here are some pictures from the two back to back June 2012 celestial events – the June 4th 2012 partial lunar eclipse and the June 5th 2012 transit of Venus across the sun.


The Mountain List

My list of summits (ongoing, of course)

Huron Peak (14,003′) – 9/5/2011
Mt. Elbert (14,440′) – 6/2/2012
Mt. Massive (14,428′) – 6/3/2012
Mt. Harvard (14,421′) – 6/24/2012
Mt. Kilimanjaro (19,341′) – 7/29/2012
Mt. Yale (14,200′) – 8/12/2012


May 20th 2012 Solar Eclipse

Here are some pictures I took in Denver of the Annular Solar eclipse on Sunday May 20th, 2012.

Canon EOS 7D, Canon 100-400 f/4.5-5.6L IS Lens, Canon 1.4x extender, UV Filter, Neutral Density 400 Filter, Circular Polarizer.

Copyright © 2012 Matthew Kocsis, all rights reserved.

Comments (2)

SOPA Sucks (and PIPA too)

I am writing to you as a voter in your district. I urge you to vote “no” on cloture for S. 968, the PROTECT IP Act, on Jan. 24th. The PROTECT IP Act is dangerous, ineffective, and short-sighted. It does not deserve floor consideration.  I urge my representative to vote “no” on SOPA, the corresponding House bill.

Over coming days you’ll be hearing from the many businesses, advocacy organizations, and ordinary Americans who oppose this legislation because of the myriad ways in which it will stifle free speech and innovation.  We hope you’ll take our concerns to heart and oppose this legislation by voting “no” on cloture.

Beyond the commonly understood ramifications of these bills, there are also some very dangerous technological worries. An explanation from Tom Daly explains it well below. If you don’t understand the material I’m including, then that’s another reason why you shouldn’t be legislating on it!

Explanation from Tom Daly (

ISP-based DNS query manipulation — is the most hazardous to the health of the global DNS.

Implementing such a solution breaks the distributed tree of authority concept used by the DNS by “injecting” U.S. nationalized pieces of DNS policy into the system. ISPs around the United States would become responsible for implementing, maintaining and monitoring these SOPA feeds into their DNS infrastructures, creating an additional layer of operational complexity for their DNS operations. Additionally, since not all DNS systems permit the inclusion of external data feeds to support local policy, many operators would be required to upgrade the recursive DNS infrastructures in significant ways.

There’s a number of conditions that could occur where a SOPA-fed recursive DNS server could hand back incorrect DNS data or be circumvented all together. If an ISP were to have issues pulling the SOPA feed or clearing domains from the SOPA list, a single domain could be blacklisted in the United States when it is perfectly legal to be used. If the source of a SOPA feed were to ever be compromised, an attacker could take critical Internet infrastructure domains offline by adding them to the feed (i.e.

Savvy users could simply bypass a SOPA-enabled recursive DNS server by pointing their DNS settings to an off-shore recursive DNS server. Technically savvy networks might respond by blocking port 53 externally or by hijacking port 53 traffic on their network to their SOPA-enabled recursive DNS resolvers. Anyone want to bring Net Neutrality into this discussion? What would happen to users if an infringer decided to setup a “free, non-SOPA” recursive DNS server for users to use – one that additionally hijacked legitimate banking, ecommerce and business websites, too?

Thank you for your time,

Matthew Kocsis


December 3, 2011

Senators Bennett, Udall,

I am appalled to learn that you voted on December 1, 2011 to support S.1867, also known as the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012. This bill, as I’m sure you’re aware, contains many provisions to keep our armed forces operating for the next year. Unfortunately, I’m sure you are also very aware that this bill includes provisions to hold US citizens indefinitely without access to the US legal system, which we absolutely must have the right to. I ask you today, why do you not respect the lives and rights of your constituents and fellow Americans? Establishing the prescient for a police state is absurd, and your vote paved the way for just that.

In case you are interested in my specific concerns, here are some parts of the bill you voted to pass that I believe are unjust and illegal:

Subtitle D—Detainee Matters
(a) IN GENERAL.—Congress affirms that the authority of the President to use all necessary and appropriate force pursuant to the Authorization for Use of Military Force (Public Law 107–40) includes the authority for the Armed Forces of the United States to detain covered persons (as defined in subsection (b)) pending disposition under the law of war.

(b) COVERED PERSONS.—A covered person under this section is any person as follows:
(1) A person who planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, or harbored those responsible for those attacks.
(2) A person who was a part of or substantially supported al-Qaeda, the Taliban, or associated forces that are engaged in hostilities against the United States or its coalition partners, including any person who has committed a belligerent act or has directly supported such hostilities in aid of such enemy forces.
(c) DISPOSITION UNDER LAW OF WAR.—The disposition of a person under the law of war as described in subsection (a) may include the following:
(1) Detention under the law of war without trial until the end of the hostilities authorized by the Authorization for Use of Military Force.

Senator, I’m completely confused why you have voted to let the United States of America hold a US citizen without trial for an undetermined time? You have stripped our constitutional rights with this bill and you personally should be ashamed at your actions. With your vote on this bill you have done your Colorado constituents a great disservice.

You vote on this bill will directly influence my vote and campaign contributions in the 2014 and 2016 Senate elections.


Matthew Kocsis

Comments (1)

For You

Si mi amor es grande,
Si mi amor es fuerte
Si es inmenso, Lo es asi
por ti

Si mi amor es libre
Si mi amor es fiero
Infinitamente Lo es por ti

Y abriremos puertas
Abriremos más.

Si te echase en falta
Viajaría Un quiero
La distancia entre tu amor
Y mi morir

Si te faltase algo,
Yo sería ese algo
Lo que no haga yo por ti
Por ti

Y abriremos puertas
Abriremos más
Mientras haya fuerza
mientras haya fe
En ti

Cuando todo acabe
Como dicen que, ay ,si
En el tiempo yo estaré

Sea lo que sea
Lo que tenga que
Que la vida nunca aparte de mi amor

Por ti

Por ti

Por ti

Nada es tan difícil
Ni tan delicado
Nada como oir decir por ti
Por ti

-lyrics by Miguel Bosé


Chicken Paprikash

Chicken Paprikash
-Dee Dee Kocsis

4 Chicken Breasts
1 Onion, chopped
1/2 stick butter
3 Cans Chicken broth (@16 oz ea.)
Ketchup/tomato sauce/salsa
1 bay leaf
4C flour
3 eggs
1C sour cream
teriyaki sauce
Garlic Powder
Salt + Pepper

-Cut Chicken Breasts into 1 inch pieces, season with salt+garlic + teriyaki sauce. Set aside
-Sautee chopped onion in 1/2 stick of butter until tender
-Add 1C chicken broth, 2T+ paprika. Stir in pan until paste forms (doesn’t have to be too thick though)
-Add Seasoning (Ketchup, tomato sauce, whatever, about 2T each, or whole can of tomato sauce). Add Bay Leaf
-Add Chicken, the rest of the broth (2 cans + remaining of first can)
-Cook Med-High for 45 minutes

-Bring large pot to boil – halfway full of water + salt to taste
-Take 4C Flour, 3 eggs, 1.25C Water, some salt. Mix well. Needs to be pizza dough consistency (gooey, but not runny – add more flour as necessary)
-Using small spoon, fling scoops of batter into water.
-Boil for 15 minutes

Note: If you want the Paprikash to be thicker, add dumplings straight to main pot. Otherwise, rinse them to remove excess starch so it does not thicken the paprikash excessively.

-Add Dumplings to main pot.
-Turn off burner, add 1C sour cream

Let sit for a bit. Can be made ahead of time and refrigerated + heated up.


My Enemy

One day I will find you
and I’ll finally know what I’ve been searching for.
One day you will see me
like no others looked upon this face before.

beneath the surface there’s a world that no one sees
a hideaway where I’ve got everything I need.

You’ll shine a light and I’ll be brave enough to breathe
to believe to be free.

You fill these spaces
your weakness strengthens these walls
crawling out from the darkness
my enemy falls.

Making noise through the silence
hearing your call
crawling out of the darkness
my enemy falls.

Crawling out of the darkness…

my heart grows stronger
piece by piece
whole again.

my heart grows stronger
piece by piece
whole again.

You fill these spaces
your weakness strengthens these walls
crawling out from the darkness
my enemy falls.

Making noise through the silence
hearing your call
crawling out of the darkness
my enemy falls…

Crawling out of the darkness
my enemy falls

crawling out of the darkness…

-Julie Thompson and Super8 & Tab


Copyright © Matthew Kocsis, All Rights Reserved.